Kamis, 21 Januari 2010


HALO EVERYBODY!!! Thank you for read our blog!!! HAHAHA!!! I want to write about the way if there is a silly event about us in the school! I guarantee you will need it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry if the english is wrong, i don't clever in english... HAHAHAHAHAHA! HUHUHUHU!!! I WILL GIVE YOU THE TIPS!
There will be a silly event in the school, like...

1. (SORRY VERY MUCH!) If we take out flatus...
Yes... Stomach gas is never can be hold! If we hold it, our stomach will be puffed up! Very sad... It's better if we take out them! Flatus is humane!!!
The way: If the odor is smelled, we can join our friend to guess who is take out flatus! We must stay cool. There's no one will aware!

2. If we teased...
The way: We MUST think, 'nobody in this world is perfect. It's very strange is you never make a mistake!' If we teased, we MUST take the positive thinking, not the negative. Right?

3. If friend keep away from us...
Sometimes, maybe friend wants to be alone. Maybe our friend is sad? We should keep our friend alone. But... WE CAN ALONE TOO!!! NO!!! T-T
The way: We can get along with another friend! But, if we meet our friend at the street, we must give him/her SMILE. Just smile, it's enough.

4. BURP?!
The way: Say, "DELICIOUUS...!!!" everybody will be knowledgeable.

NO WAY!!! Bullshie*! We didn't remember it!!! NO!
The way: It's okay... It's too late... We should sacrifice... JUST ONE MORE TIME! For another time, we must study. Hahahaha...!

Yeah... Those are my tips! I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!! HAHAHA! IT WILL HELP YOU IN THE SCHOOL! BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! Thank you very much for read our blog..!


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