Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

He went off..

HUHUHUHU HIKS... katanya si Seongkyu udah nggak bakal aktif lg nulis di blog! Soalnya sibuk buk buk mau UN SMA dan masuk universitas.


Hiks... maaf kepada fans Seongkyu, walaupun ndak ada. <=D


-- eunhyuk --

Senin, 01 Februari 2010


Aku baru tahu kalau Korean comic itu tuh MANHWA. Penasaran, jadinya aku klik di situs www.onemanga.com, and begin to read 'he's dedicated to roses'. WAH KEREN! (Padahal pas nulis ini belum baca, cuman baru ngeliat covernya doang). Yah, cuman mau kasih info aja ya. Hidup Manhwa!!!

-- eunhyuk --

Kamis, 28 Januari 2010


Note: ini diposkan oleh temanku, Cho Seongkyu. Maaf karena aku nggak bisa bikin team blog... hikz.

Jadi ini cerita pertama tentang Gracie... aku deskripsikan ya, tingginya 158 cm dan beratnya (kira2, soalnya dia nggak pernah mau ngebocorin berat badannya) mungkin 70-an kilo. Yah, kira2 sih. Pagi hari ini pelajaran OR, siswa main tennis sementara siswi berenang. Nah, aku sangat kagum terhadap Gracie yang sangat keren berenangnya. Bayangkan, 40 meter panjang kolam renang itu, dia berenang bolak-balik sebanyak 35 kali! Wow!


Note Note: maaf ya, baru sedikit..., habisnya dia SMS-nya cuman segini sich. Maklumlah, sibuk. Ada les kali.

Foto Manado 2009

Jadi yang di bawah ini foto2 di Manado:

Yang pertama itu Tarsius, monyet lucu nan imuth2 yang beratnya cuman 350 gr. Tarsius ini, cuman ditemukan di Sulawesi, Kalimantan dan di Filipina aja lho! Jadi kita mesti bangga, Tarsius juga 'singgah' di negara kita.

Yang kedua..., Monumen Yesus Memberkati. Monumen ini dibuat di komplek perumahan Ir Ciputra, yaitu Citraland. Kalau nggak salah sih, monumen ini dinobatkan menjadi patung tertinggi di Asia Tenggara (kalau nggak salah loh), eh apa yang tertinggi di Asia ya?!

Dan yang ketiga... pemandangan dari Bukit Kasih! Kami sudah sampai di puncak, jadi udah naikin kira2 1020 anak tangga! WHAT?! Dan juga Kapel kecil di Bukit Doa, tapi dilihatnya bagian belakang..

Habis dari Bukit Kasih dan Bukit Doa, kami pergi ke Danau Linow yang sangat... BEAUTIFUL!!! Bagus banget khan! Bagus banget khan! Bagus banget khan! Beruntung, pas kami sampai, warna danau lagi hijau! (mentang2 suka orang yang suka warna hijau, hehehe...)

Kita jump aja, langsung ke Bunaken ya... Ya, Bunaken bagus banget! Tapi sayangnya lagi banyak sampah di pantainya. Bagaimana sih, tujuan internasional kok jorok?! Yah, namanya juga Indonesia. Belum ber-evolve! Pemandangan di bawah laut ini dilihat dari kotak kaca yang diceburin dari kapalnya.

Udah deh! Hope you enjoy, dan semoga you2 semua jadi pengen ke Manado. Hidup Indonesia!

-- eunhyuk -- >3 (Huehe...)

Senin, 25 Januari 2010


Aduh maaf, ya, baru post sekarang! Habis, sibuk (idih, gaya banget).
Nah, after went to Church on 24th Januari kemaren, nggak ada rencana (maunya sih jalan2 aja) kita pergi ke Mall Kelapa Gading! Yey...!

Biasalah, makan Salmon Teriyaki di Ichiban Sushi, Mama makan Sate Mak Syukur, Papa makan Gado2 Boplo. Habis makan, rencananya mau pulang aja, tapi gara-gara lewatin bioskop, jadi ngeliat film: TOOTHFAIRY. Ya udah deh, nonton!!

Thank God, dapat yang 14.40! Sambil nunggu, Papa udah pergi ke Gramed (biasalah, Papa nggak suka nonton di bioskop, jadinya nunggu kita tuh di Gramed), baru kami bertiga nyari baju ke SOGO. Mama beli baju ungu di Elfa's, wah bagus! Terus si -- heechul -- beli rompi baru, dan kemeja putih Slimfit buat cowoK! Aku? Aku nggak beli apa-apa tuh, hahaha...

NIGHTMARE. Kita masuk bioskop sekitar pukul 14.50-an, jadi udah terlambat, film udah hampir 1/4 berjalan... cih! Padahal, sekalinya kita tepat jamnya, masih iklan lama banget! Ini, padahal kalau dipikir2 pas, malah udah kelewatan!
Tapi suer, filmnya menghibur banget. Ada beberapa hal yang bisa dipelajari, salah-satunya, untuk tetap percaya sama mimpi. Hehehe, azik!

Sedihnya... pas pulang, ada hamster kami mati. Curious namanya. Hiqs... sedih banget! Januari ini sedih banget sih, ada 3 hamster kami yang mati. Curious... (September 2008 - January 2010). T_T

Tapi itulah hidup!

-- eunhyuk --

Kamis, 21 Januari 2010


N.B : This is written by my little friend, a KID.

HEI EVERYBODY! Wazzup, man? How do you do, bro?! I, will show you this movie, but this movie isn't mine! This game is very cool, man!! E-e-e-enjoy, man!!! Thank you for some1 in YouTube.



Note: ini sebenarnya dari temen saya, Cho Seongkyu. Maaf aku nggak bisa bikin team blog. Sori ya... Credit: Thanks to Cho Seongkyu, the best buddy and very cool guy!

Sebelumnya aku mengucapkan terima kasih karena Chuljae10_4 yang udah ngajak, hehe... Aku seneng bisa gabung di blog, cuman.. nulis apa yah? Ya udah deh, karena di sini aku cowok sendiri (kecuali sheldoncrazy.shoutedpunch), aku ceritain tentang cewek di kelasku, kelas 11-F yang stole my eyes... Gracie. Tp aku post besok aja ya, soalnya banyak homework to do. Tq...

-- seongkyu44 --


HALO EVERYBODY!!! Thank you for read our blog!!! HAHAHA!!! I want to write about the way if there is a silly event about us in the school! I guarantee you will need it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry if the english is wrong, i don't clever in english... HAHAHAHAHAHA! HUHUHUHU!!! I WILL GIVE YOU THE TIPS!
There will be a silly event in the school, like...

1. (SORRY VERY MUCH!) If we take out flatus...
Yes... Stomach gas is never can be hold! If we hold it, our stomach will be puffed up! Very sad... It's better if we take out them! Flatus is humane!!!
The way: If the odor is smelled, we can join our friend to guess who is take out flatus! We must stay cool. There's no one will aware!

2. If we teased...
The way: We MUST think, 'nobody in this world is perfect. It's very strange is you never make a mistake!' If we teased, we MUST take the positive thinking, not the negative. Right?

3. If friend keep away from us...
Sometimes, maybe friend wants to be alone. Maybe our friend is sad? We should keep our friend alone. But... WE CAN ALONE TOO!!! NO!!! T-T
The way: We can get along with another friend! But, if we meet our friend at the street, we must give him/her SMILE. Just smile, it's enough.

4. BURP?!
The way: Say, "DELICIOUUS...!!!" everybody will be knowledgeable.

NO WAY!!! Bullshie*! We didn't remember it!!! NO!
The way: It's okay... It's too late... We should sacrifice... JUST ONE MORE TIME! For another time, we must study. Hahahaha...!

Yeah... Those are my tips! I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!! HAHAHA! IT WILL HELP YOU IN THE SCHOOL! BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! Thank you very much for read our blog..!


Pia... delicious pia...

[Bapak-bapak, staff of Merciful Building plays Kolintang]

OH MY GOSH!! How can this happening to me?! I loved so much pia, or bakpia. This is pia filled with green-bean, man! I bought it at Merciful Building, Manado. DELICIOUS!

when we arrived, I forgot something... I forgot that pia until yesterday! YES! My mom said, 'oh my gosh! I found something! PIA!!'... I almost say 'yeah!!', but my mom said, 'that pia already spoiled'. HIKS T_T

-- eunhyuk --

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

The First Journey

Hallo.. this is our second blog! The first blog is abandoned... I'm sorry... Chuljae's Cookie World has abandoned.. hiks...

Hahaha.. the 2009 Christmas is the most wonderful Christmas ever in my life. Guess what? I have visited Manado! Yay!!! So, my Christmas journey began in 28th of December... yes, I know is too late. Even Christmas have passed.

The first day, we arrived in Sam-Ratulangi Airport at noon, because before we arrive in Manado, we must take transite in Makassar. Oh my gosh! Manado city is soooo clean, 180 degrees opposite from Jakarta! On this day, we just have a rest in hotel, watching TV and of course, have dinner >.<... we stay at Novotel Hotel, long way from city. But this is a vacation, you know! So we must release the stress, one way from many way is to take a hotel that far away from city.

The second day, we ignored the alarm (hehehe...), awake at 9:00 morning, from the first schedule (actually, we HAD to woke up in 6:00 morning). Then we take a breakfast at hotel, and take a ride to Bitung City! We visited the small zoo (actually that is a taman nasional; margasatwa), and saw a very-cute-small-monkey called.. TARSIUS!!! Oh, so cute!!
After that, we visited Citraland, and took a photo of Jesus Memberkati Monument. Wow, It's so high!! For lunch, we ate a fried-cuttlefish (nyum... yummy!). And, we back to hotel.

The third day, we went to Bukit Kasih at high-land city, Tomohon. Bukit Kasih is a mounted park, there we can saw the five-holy place of five religions in Indonesia, Christian, Catholic, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Moslem. But before we can reach that place, we must took a... 2040 (up & down) non-aspalt stairs!!! WHAT?! Yeah, is sooooo tiring... After take a breakmeal (fried corn, soft drink... hihi), we went to the most wonderful place that I have visited in INDONESIA: Danau Linow!!! Yeah!! The lake is soooooooo beautiful! Imagine the lake that can change its color!! Amazing, right?! Here, we take a cup of tea and pisang goreng.
The third place we visited in the third day was Bukit Doa, a hill of Catholic religion. The Bukit Doa is so amazing...!! We can also Jalan Salib (or Cross-Walk.., maybe? I cannot speak English much) here... after that, we visited Bukit Inspirasi for watching TOMOHON TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS CONCERT, with kolintang and some-traditional music...

The fourth day, in morning we visited Makam Waruga (or Waruga Graveyard), an ancient-style of burrying people in Minahasa. After that, we visited Lake Tondano, beautiful, but not much as Lake Linow.
Guess what, we walk a far far far away to Manado, but we got a same meal as in Jakarta: KFC. WHAT?! Yeah, because this is a 31st of December, and tomorrow is a New Year, many restaurants closed. But KFC stay open. Hahaha...
The night, we woke up still till' 12.00 a.m, praying for a new year..., this is my family traditional, because we are Batak people... hihi...

The fifth day...

Wow, this is 2010?! I can't imagine! It feel, yesterday was a year I'm born..., but now it's 2010?! WOOOOOW!! On this day, we just stay at hotel.

The sixth day... we woke up early in the morning, 5.15 a.m..., and rush to a small-bay and take a boat to Bunaken Island. Half on the way, we saw the very BEAUTIFUL panorama of deep-ocean from glassy-bottom boat. The fish really cute!! Arrived, we take a break-meal (pisang goreng, nasi uduk, and coconut). Here we shopping (hihihi)..., then take a lunch, some fried fish... DELICIOUS!! And then we went to hotel.

The seventh day... actually, we want to go to the church, but I don't know, that we don't. This day we just stay in hotel..., watching TV.

The eighth day... we bought some buah tangan (gifts), like t-shirt, cakes, foods..., at Merciful Building. Lunch we have some seafood, DELICIOUS! Night, we all pack up our things, because tomorrow we want to go back to Jakarta.

I'm sorry that I can't attach some images... but I promise I will posts it...